Solar eclipse astral cleansing spell

Spells cast once within 24 hrs of order,
followed by Main casting during the Solar Eclipse


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Spells cast once within 24 hrs of order,
followed by Main casting during the Solar Eclipse


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Astral cleansing Spell 

We will be hosting a very special spell-casting service during the Solar Eclipse, So that you can take advantage of the super high energy levels of these holidays and let us cast the most powerful spell possible for you !!!

Order a fire, coven, power blast or super cast &

Receive a special Quad casting for this event.

Your Spell will be cast once within 24 hrs of order 

& then 3X's on the day of the event 

These special spell casting events are posted here to help you obtain your goal. Having your spell cast during these events increase your odds of manifesting the results you desire 1000%.

Were not going to let the highly charged energy levels of Solar Eclipse go to waste And we hope you wont either!  Order your spell today 

solar eclipse astral cleansing spell

Solar eclipse spell of astral cleansing to remove astral slime that's disrupting your life.   

Spell Cast once within 24 hrs of order, followed by 3 cast during Solar eclipse.   

Order your astral cleansing Solar eclipse Spell.    

If the solar eclipse has come and gone, you can still have this ever so powerful Solar spell cast for you. 

you can order it below at any time of the year


Solar eclipse astral cleansing spell

astral cleansing spell.

Solar eclipse spell of astral cleansing to remove the astral slime that's disrupting your life.   

Spell Cast once within 24 hrs of order, followed by 3 cast during Solar eclipse.    

Order your astral cleansing Solar eclipse Spell.

There are energy centers located throughout our body that correlate to specific body ailment, emotional, physical and mental dysfunctions. The Mind-spirit-Body Balance is a two-way street:

if you have centers that are maligned, you will experience limitations within you daily life. 

These imbalances are known to cause you money problems, bad luck, negatively affect your sex life, destroy your relationships and block divine blessings, connections and guidance.

This is the way to remove the accumulation of all the abrogating factors that have been disrupting your life. All of the astral slime will leave your body. Get this Cleansing to make negative forces fade away.

Astral cleansing are done beyond your conscious awareness; that your experiencing right now.

An influx of negative energy can build up in the astral plane and your astral bodies may be wreaking havoc on you.   

This influx of negative energy build up can cause you to become very angry over insignificant events without you know why.

Some people experience temporary insanity and lash out on loved ones, friends, co workers, etc ... 

while others experience the ups and downs of regular emotions in a little more intense fashion.

In order to truly understand what occurs when cleansing the aura (also known as the subtle body),

you need to comprehend how Energy flows through consciousness and into physical form. 

Energy flows according to the following pathways:

all energy initially originates in the spiritual realms.
It then flows down through the mind and ultimately into the body and physical form. 

Therefore any bodily or physical disturbances have roots in the mental and spiritual planes.

working at the level of the subtle body/aura is ultimately the source of all deep and lasting healing.

The aura/subtle body are where the spirit, mind and body meet and interact and are responsible for your well being.

Which is why this solar eclipse astral cleansing focuses its energies on the spiritual, mental and energetic planes.

Therefore the cleansing effects directed there will echo out through all aspects of the self and are quite effective.

Cleansing your Aura is important because the stress of daily living in this modern world does have a detrimental effect on you.

This Solar eclipse spell of astral cleansing will remove the astral slime that's disrupting your life.   

Whatever you do in the material world to cleanse yourself will still leave you feeling unclean.

This Astral cleansing brings much peace to the mind and body.

Most people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that interfere with their energy and emotions.

These nasty astral energies and entities come from people’s astral bodies when they die.

These energies and beings are rampant at the present time as cleansing's have become largely lost to the modern World.

Due to the decline of astral cleansing's, a mass amount of negative energies and entities are looking for a people to latch onto.

The only way they can get enough energy to survive is to leach off the energy of the living.

This will drain life-force (etheric energy) from the person and also impose emotional trauma on them.

If you cleanse your astral body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up.

with this solar eclipse astral cleansing your astral body is cleared and merged with your light body.

 This is referred to as the transformed astral body, which attracts peace, prosperity and happiness.

This astral cleansing spell will remove the astral slime that's disrupting your life.   

​order our solar eclipse astral cleansing spell today.