Angel almanac for 2020 to 2040,
Angel Calendar.
- List of Angel Names
- List of dates that corrospond to the angels
- Order an angel spell any day of the week.
- * Scroll down to find the current month.
Jan 2020 to 2040 - Calendar of Angels.
- Nemamiah (1st. Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 1 to 5)
- Ieilael (2nd. Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 6 to 10)
- Harahel (3rd. Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 11 to 15)
- Mitzrael (4th Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 16 to 20)
- Umabel (5th. Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 21 to 25)
- Iahhel (6th Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 26 to 30)
- Annauel (7th Angel of the Archangels, Jan. 31 to Feb. 4)
Angel spell List
Feb 2020 to 2040 - Angel Almanac
- Mehriel (8th Angel of the Angels, Feb. 5 to 9)
- Damabiah (1st Angel of the Angels, Feb. 10 to 14.)
- Manakel (2nd Angel of the Angels, Feb. 15 to 19)
- Eiael(3rd Third Angel of the Angels, Feb. 20 to 24)
- Habuiah (4th Angel of the Angels, Feb. 25 to 29)
Mar 2020 to 2040 - Calendar of Angels
- Rochel (4th Angel of the Angels, March 1 to 5)
- Jabamiah (6th Angel of the Angels, March 6 to 10)
- Haiaiel (7th Angel of the Angels, March 11 to 15)
- Mumiah (8th Angel of the Angels, March 16 to 20)
- Vehuiah (1st Angel of the Seraphim, March 21 to 25)
- Jeliel (2nd Angel of the Seraphim, March 26 to 30)
- Sitael (3rd Angel of the Seraphim, March 31 to April 4)
Angel Guide.
Angel Calendar | Guardian Angels Guide , 300 Caveland Dr, Olive Hill, KY 41164 (private property)
Spell casting Almanac for powerful Angel Magic. Discover Your personal Guardian Angel. Angel of the Day, Week, Month, Year.
Basic cast $24.99 , mpn: A274 , sku: A274 , Rating Value: 5 , reviewCount: 1369 ,
Spells for Guardian Angel, Archangels spells, Guardian Angel spells, Summons: Seraphim, Cherubim and Guardian Angel.
sites of interest ..
July 2020 to 2040 - Angel of Thrones Calendar.
- Nelchael (5th Angel of Thrones, From July 2 to 6)
- Ieiaiel (6th Angel of Thrones, From July 7 to 11)
- Melahel (7th Angel of Thrones, From July 12 to 16)
- Hahuiah (8th Angel of Thrones, From July 17 to 22)
- Nithaiah (1st Angel of Dominations, From July 23 to 27)
Spells for Guardian Angels
Aug 2020 to 2040 - angel of Dominations Guide.
- Ierathel (3rd angel of Dominations, Aug. 2 to 6)
- Seehiah (4th angel of Dominations, Aug. 7 to 12)
- Reiiel (5th angel of Dominations, Aug. 13 to 17)
- Omael (6th angel of Dominations, Aug. 18 to 22)
- Lecabel (7th angel of Dominations, Aug. 23 to 28)
- Vasariah (8th angel of Dominations, Aug. 29 to Sept. 2)
Guardian Angel spells
Sept. 2020 to 2040 - Angel of Powers Almanac.
- Iehuiah (1st Angel of Powers, Sept. 3 to 7)
- Lehahiah (2nd Angel of Powers, Sept. 8 to 12)
- Chavakiah (3rd Angel of Powers, Sept. 13 to 17)
- Menadel (4th Angel of Powers, Sept. 18 to 23)
- Aniel (5th Angel of the Powers, Sept. 24 to 28)
- Haamiah (6th Angel of Powers, Sept. 29 to Oct. 3)
Summon Guardian Angels
Oct. 2020 to 2040 - Angel of Powers Calendar.
- Rehael (7th Angel of Powers, Oct. 4 to 8)
- Ihiazel (8th Angel of Powers, Oct. 9 to 13)
- Hahahel (1st Angel of Virtues, Oct. 14 to 18)
- Mikael (2nd Angel of Virtues, Oct. 19 to 23)
- Vevaliah (3rd Angel of Virtues, Oct. 24 to 28)
- Ielahiah (4th Angel of Virtues, Oct. 29 to Nov. 2)
Angelic Spells
Nov. 2020 to 2040 - Angel of Virtues Guide.
- Ielahiah (4th Angel of Virtues, Oct. 29 to Nov. 2)
- Sealiah (5th Angel of Virtues, Nov. 3 to 7)
- Ariel (6th Angel of Virtues, Nov. 8 to 12)
- Asaliah (7th Angel of Virtues, Nov. 13 to 17)
- Mihael (8th Angel of Virtues, Nov. 18 to 22)
- Vehuel (1st Angel of Principalities, Nov. 23 to 27)
- Daniel (2nd Angel of Principalities, Nov. 28 to Dec. 2)
Spells for Angel of Principalities.
Dec. 2020 to 2040 - Angel of Principalities Almanac.
- Daniel (2nd Angel of Principalities, Nov. 28 to Dec. 2)
- Hahaziah (3rd Angel of Principalities, Dec. 3 to 7)
- Imamiah (4th Angel of Principalities, Dec. 8 to 12)
- Nanael (5th Angel of Principalities, Dec. 13 to 16)
- Nithael (6th Angel of Principalities, Dec. 17 to 21)
- Mebahiah (7th Angel of Principalities, Dec. 22 to 26)
- Poiel (8th Angel of Principalities, Dec. 27 to 31)
Magic of the Archangels
Angel Magic from Spell casting
- We cast Angel spells daily.
- You can order an angel spell any day of the week.
- Main Casting service - is hosted every Saturday.
- You May request a specific Angel for your spell casting
Discover Your Guardian Angel.
- The Great spirit has given command to his angels to help you.
- No evil shall befall you, nor shall affliction come near you.
- Angelic magic will liberate you from loss, lack and misfortune.
- Angels were created for the sole purpose to serve you and to satisfy your needs.
- Angel Spell List
Angel Almanac.
Everything you need to know about angels.
April 2020 to 2040 - Calendar for Angels
- Sitael (3rd Angel of Seraphim, March 31 to 4)
- Elemiah (4th Angel of Seraphim, April 5 to 9)
- Mahasiah (5th Angel of Seraphim,April 10 to 14)
- Lelahel (6th Angel of Seraphim, April 15 to 20)
- Achaiah (7th Angel of Seraphim, April 21 to 25)
- Cahethel (8th Angel of Seraphim, April 26 to 30)
Angel of the Seraphim spells
May 2020 to 2040 - Guide for Angels
- Haziel (1st Angel of Cherubim, May 1 to 5)
- Aladiah (2nd Angel of Cherubim, May 6 to 10)
- Lauviah (3rd Angel of Cherubim, May 11 to 15)
- Hahaiah (4th Angel of Cherubim, May 16 to 20)
- Ieiazel (5th Angel of Cherubim, May 21 to 25)
- Mebahel (6th Angel of Cherubim, May 26 to 31)
Angel of Cherubim spells
June 2020 to 2040 - Almanac for Angels
- Hariel (7th Angel of Cherubim, June 1 to 5)
- Hakamiah (8th Angel of Cherubim , June 6 to 10)
- Lauviah (1st Angel of Thrones, June 11 to 15)
- Caliel (2nd Angel of Thrones, June 16 to 21)
- Leuviah (3rd Angel of Thrones, June 22 to 26)
- Pahaliah (4th Angel of Thrones, June 27 to July 1)