New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2027
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2029
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2030
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2025
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2026
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2024.
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
New Moon Calendar for 2024
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates.
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
This Astronomy calendar contains dates for Lunar events. Most notably are the dates for the New Moon
New Moon Spell casting Event dates for 2028
Spell Results often manifest within the lunar cycle - 30 days.
Spells are cast once within 24 hrs of order
Followed by Main casting during the New Moon
Sources Language Forums
The New Moon offers strong manifesting powers that can be used to materialize your dreams, wants, goals, and wishes. The lunar manifesting energies are tapped into via ancient ceremonies, rituals & spellcasting. We use the time-tested ancient Nuzi rituals of the Canaanite tribes. Desires, Wants, Goals, and Dreams have been made manifest using this practice.
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