Spells - Solar Eclipse 

What do you really want to manifest, experience, and or create in your life? Its time to Dream Big!.

The entire universe will be focused on transformation. Its purpose is to help you align with your highest self  so you can connect to A very vibrant life!  

keep in mind that Eclipses are also known to trigger the necessary life changes to bring about results for the things that matter most in life: Health, Love, Money, Power & Success.

History of Solar Eclipses. 

 One of the first written records of an eclipse is credited to the ancient Chinese story of royal astronomers Hsi and Ho. 

The eclipse that they failed to forecast occurred on October 22, 2134 BCE, which would make it the oldest solar eclipse recorded in human history.

Nevertheless, whether in ancient Mesopotamia or in early China, eclipses and other omens provided contemporary justifications, or after-the-fact explanations, for an entangled set of variables that decided a specific course of history.

Its a well known fact that the Solar Eclipse has held enormous power for life changing events for ages.

Solar Eclipse list of Spells , 300 Caveland Dr, Olive Hill, KY 41164 (private property) 

Basic cast  $24.99 ,  mpn: A250B , sku: 0A250B ,  Rating Value: 5 , reviewCount: 1890 , 

Solar Eclipse Spells cast once within 24 hrs of order, followed by Main casting on eclipse of the sun.

Alt > Spells for Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse Spell List

Spells cast during the Solar eclipse. these spells are a Surefire Way to produce results.

​Spells cast once within 24 hrs.
Main casting: Day of Solar Eclipse.

Spells for Solar Eclipse.