The point is that if you're looking for spells that work, you need to use a spellcaster like us, who only calls upon the highest of powers. You need to pay less attention to the ritual (black magic,
sorcery, white witchcraft, or whatever brand of magick they offer) and more to the source that is being called upon to deliver the goods you want.
If you can't identify the source that whoever is using - beware. Others who call on lesser deities ( satan, devils, evil spirits, demonic forces, or lesser gods ) offer less effective services. And
they tend to come with a hidden cost that you, the end client, will end up responsible for ( Bad luck, Bad karma and negativity, and or the effect you mentioned ),
and their results are always perverted!
As for us, we only call upon the highest God, the all-mighty Creator. By explicitly choosing the all-mighty as our source, we can freely cast whatever type of spell you want. And use whatever ritual
(whatever brand of magick, sorcery, black magic, witchcraft, etc.) you request because All other entities ( demons, satan, angels, spirits, etc. ) work for and with the permission of the Creator.
If you want the most effective spell, I'm talking about spells that work and that are safe; no harm backfires or bad karma-you are on the right site. And we would be honored if you allow us to help you.