Some partners think you are supposed to anticipate their wants, needs, and expectations? Others feel that boundaries interfere with the romance and spontaneity of a relationship? ​Many assume that having boundaries means not having loving feelings toward their partner. But it's the opposite. Having healthy boundaries is a must for happiness in the relationship.

Healthy boundaries spell.

Boundaries in romantic relationships are especially critical because, as opposed to other relationships, partners inhabit each other's most intimate spaces, including physical, emotional, and sexual.

When your partner oversteps your boundaries, it can become destructive to the relationship. Much is left unsaid, feelings get hurt, and emotional separation always occurs. When couples are clear about the boundaries for their relationship and the rules, goals, and expectations, the relationship can be stable.

With healthy boundaries, partners "ask permission, take your feelings into account, show gratitude, and respect your differences in opinion, perspective, and feelings." The only glitch is that some people, maybe someone like your spouse, have no idea about boundaries and never mind respecting them. Many partners just expect you to know and understand them. It creates confusion and ends up hurting the relationship.

This spell creates an environment that opens the door for you to set or re-establish boundaries in your marriage or relationship. It unlocks your spouse's mind and heart so that both of you can communicate your thoughts and feel more openly, honestly, and clearly. It encourages your partner to show compassion and empathize with you. As a result, your bond will grow stronger and more secure over time.

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Healthy boundaries spell.

​​Healthy boundaries.

Healthy boundaries aren't meant to block out your partner, They're meant to open the gates of love even more !!!

Healthy boundaries ~ Relationship spell.

Couples may be genuinely drawn to each other and care deeply for each other—until a boundary issue arises. In romantic relationships, we often think of boundaries as bad or simply unnecessary. Yet, they're not.