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We are determined to educate and enlighten
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I will share the sacred knowledge that the
Great Spirit wants you to know and teach you how
to manifest the things you want most in this life.

End of Days Prophecy.

What you are witnessing each day now is the war
between good and evil playing out in real-time.
Thus the great spirit wants me to educate
rather than placating you.

And so it is, and so it shall be, each day I will
share the sacred knowledge that the Great
Spirit wants you to know.

Revelations Exposed.

The Dark overlords have control of
everything on earth, including the 
main-stream religions, the television
networks, NEWS, the education system,
the governments, & more.

They are In-fact, all controlled by one
evil ruler. Its how they are able to fill
your head with the fiction that scares,
misleads, and Controls you.

These are dark days indeed, but they
do not have to be. The hidden insight
that I am going to share today will be
as a lamp unto your feet and a light
unto your path.

You can have the desires of your heart.
You can obtain riches, health, success,
and whatever you desire.

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End time Revelations.

End-time Revelations Exposed. A must-read for
those who want to know the truth about the 
End of Days Prophecy and learn how to 
manifest real-life needs and wants.

You should be living in abundance
rather than lack. You should be loved
rather than be lonely and be living the
dream rather than a nightmare!

I will enlighten you with end-time truths
and teach you how to manifest the results
you want most in this life.

We are determined to educate and enlighten
people so that they can continue to and or 
learn how to walk in the divine blessing
of our Heavenly Father.

You give a man a fish and, you feed him for a day.
You teach him to fish and, you give him an 
occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.

This truth will set you Free!

H  lavender blush

MT  #C0C999 \ #C3C9E9

About the Bible.

Yes. It is true. You can and should be
living in a state of great comfort and 
luxury. And the hidden revelations that
I am going to share will allow
you to have it.

Before I share this info, you should
know that it will be in story form. 
And that I will also be using some 
stories from the bible as examples 
to make it easier to understand.

This is not a bible lesson, but the
bible does help with its layout of 
man's history via the stories 
told in it.

However that does not mean that all the
stories written in the bible are true. It's Often quoted without any wisdom. 

Revelation of the End times.

I encourage you to press on with this reading to
learn the truth of our origins and the real 
reason things have turned out the
way they have. 

As you press on, you will discover that the
disarray we live in today is no accident, 
it's by design.

Enlightenment & Truth.

The shadiness of mainstream religion.
A well-known rabbi openly raised doubt about
spiritual zealots. He denounced evangelists
who utilized their platform to manipulate
and take advantage of the misinformed.

My goal is to reveal spiritual truth to liberate
you from the unseen shackles of a hidden dark
dictatorship. They have been holding you
back since the day you were born.

End time Revelations. End of Days Prophecy.

Hidden knowledge.

The important thing that you need to
understand is that dark forces have been
able to use sacred books like the bible
to deceive the world and dictate
man's history. 

So as you read through,

Please don't get tricked.

You may think you know the whole story,
but odds are you have been misled by 
the dark forces that now run this world.

Don't let dark forces keep you from
reading this because what I am going
to reveal will teach you how to manifest
the things you want most in life.

You should be living the dream
rather than living with loss!

I will provide you with Divine Revelation
& Prophecy regarding the Apocalypse, mark of
the beast, antichrist, rapture, and the
end of the world.

Plus, bring to light secret quatrains
of Nostradamus, along with esoteric wisdom
to help you understand the signs of the times
and answer questions about the end times
and when will the world end.

The Great Spirit wants me to Expose the truth
of these End-time Revelations so that you
can break free from the bondage of 
lack, loss, and misfortune.

As a result of this sacred teaching, 
you will be able to accomplish your goals and
effect change, improve, and enhance your life.

In addition to that, you will enjoy increased
self-esteem, improved communication skills,
enhanced relationships, better work/life balance,
and be freed from fear and stress.

Read on, and you will be liberated.

Esoteric wisdom.

If you are tired of running the rat race?
If you are tired of doing without, and or 
if you have everything but somehow still
hate your life. Please read on. 

I encourage you to press on with this
reading to learn the real reason things
have turned out the way they have & 
how to avoid the days of suffering.

When you hear of wars and rumors of
wars, do not be alarmed. Such things
must happen, before the end comes. 

Nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom. There will be
earthquakes in various places
and famines. 

These are the beginning
of birth pains. -Mark 13:7-8

Share your insight & or feedback.
I'm writing this to be of help, so I need to know 
if this is helpful, is it understandable
and any insight you might have!!!

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