Nostradamus was like other prophets who could
divine the future. And most saw that the future
would bring mayhem, ruin, and unrest.
According to Prophecy, the end of the 20th
century would be a time of trauma and
transition. And it was.
The Prophecy also foretells an Apocalypse
or apocalyptic events would cause the
collapse of civilization and result in the
extinction of man in the 21st century?
Is the Apocalypse Prophecy true?
You deserve to know the truth.
I will try to explain in the simplest
way possible and to do that i will need
to break this down layer by layer.
To slice through the layer's you need
to know that all prophecies; which are
also know as Predictions, Premonition,
and Divination; are a double
edged sword.
On one side, True Premonitions are
communicated to a prophet from our
heavenly father. Their messages
involve the revelation of divine will
concerning our world and
events to come.
They are meant to provide
insight to the enlightened.
They can be inspirational and
or warnings to help us avoid or
overcome troubles. They are issued
and serve our greater good.
On the other side
of the divination sword,
divine predictions are twisted
into deceptive messages used to
control and manipulate you, the
society, our world, and events to come.
They are used to open a wide path to
enslavement. They will dump you down
to make sure you do not question
the decline of your daily life.
They are issued to ensure
bondage and control.
The complicated part comes because
most don't know how this could be
true. They don't believe that sacred
books or prophetic scripts could
be twisted.
Many have been duped by the
mainstream religions of today
and do realize that the truth is
that most of the divine predictions
known of today are twisted.
They are seen and believed by most,
yet the majority are blind to the
fact that these premonitions have
been made corrupt for
nefarious reasons.
For example, let's look at the
new testaments gospels of the bible.
The main theme is mainly outlined in
the first four gospels.
They want you to accept Jesus as your
new lord and savior who will reign over
you in the New World here on earth.
It's a fact that no one knows who
wrote the gospels we call Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and John. Look at your
bible and it will clearly say
source unknown.
The mainstream religions never point
that out when quoting them to you as
the gospel truth.
so most never question it, and far more
are not aware of it. It's odd that the
one preaching it, the one you trust to
tell you the truth knows about it,
but never speaks of it.!
They will tell you that 44, 55, or ??
Prophecies from the old testament
were Fulfilled by Jesus,
Yet there is no way to verify even
one of them. Christian apologists
target lay audiences with a lot of
material claiming the Gospels are
the eyewitness testimonies of
either Jesus' disciples
or their attendants.
Their audiences trust their preacher
and do not question their message.
Most of those people will never think
about doing any research to see if the
messages are based on truth.
However, Most Scholars agree that the
Gospels were written Forty to Sixty
years after the death of Jesus.
Thus they do not present eyewitness or
contemporary accounts of Jesus'
life and teachings.
Scholars have revealed that the Gospels
are a piece of anonymous works.
According to Atwill, their primary
purpose in creating the religion was
to control the spread of Judaism and
moderate its political virulence.
Furthermore, He points to the story of
Decius Mundus told by Josephus in
his Antiquitates of the Jews.
Decius Mundus was the name of a
Roman. He was a man of equestrian
rank, that seduced a noblewoman
(Paulina) in an Isiac temple complex.
But more specifically in that story,
the return of Mundus is a parody of
Jesus' resurrection, so it appears
that many of the Christian faith
have been duped.
There are many parodies to the
story of Jesus and resurrection that
date back to the beginning of time.
These type of stories have been handed
down from the earliest of times. And
have been mimicked by whatever rulers
from Babylon to Egypt, and yes that
includes the roman empire.
Its the stories told of the ruler and
how they are somehow linked to
a god or gods.
in this case, I will use Ceasar as
an example, because I'm trying to
expose the link between the gospels,
Christianity and Rome.
We will discuss the various parodies of
deities that are similar to Jesus'
story later on.
The focus here is on the influence of
the roman empire had on the gospels
and the Jesus story which gave
birth to Christianity.
Christian traditions about Jesus were
influenced by Greco-Roman religion
and mythology.
Much of Jesus's traditional iconography
is derived from the Mediterranean
deities such as Hermes, Asclepius,
Serapis, and Zeus.
And let's not forget about the
traditional birthdate of Jesus on
25 December, which was previously a
holiday in honor of the Roman
sun god Sol Invictus.
And it's clear that Rome continues its
hold over Christianity right now. So
why look to ancient history when we
can point to its control today.
I'm also going to point out a huge fact
that no one ever says anything about.
Vatican City is a non-hereditary,
elected monarchy that is ruled by
the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.
Today, a Roman emperor (the pope)
controls the Christian state, and
Does no one think that's twisted?
Most Christians link the conversion of
Rome to Christianity to Emperor
In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine
issued the Edict of Milan, which
accepted Christianity, and ten years
later, it became the official
religion of the Roman Empire.
Constantine was a Roman emperor who
ruled early in the 4th century. He was
the first Christian emperor and saw
the empire begin to become
a Christian state.
Nevertheless, Constantine worshiped
roman gods ( not the Jewish GOD ) for
his entire life. He was not a
Christian at all during his life.
It's has been reported that he retained
his right to sin gloriously right up
until the end.
it was only on his death bed that he
was baptized into the Christian faith.
Waiting until your death bed to repent,
that's a snapshot of modern society.
let's look at more ties that bind the
gospels and Christianity to the
roman empire.
Ever since the Christianization of the
Roman Empire, in the fourth century AD,
the Catholic Church has used the
language, terminology, and structure
of the Roman Empire.
The Latin Language was the language
of Ancient Rome. The Catholic Church
and its leader, based in the city of
Rome itself with its theologians and
bishops spread in other areas that
were ruled by the Roman Empire,
They used Latin as their first language
of communicating and writing, as the
language for issuing documents and,
ultimately, as the primary and
exclusive language used for prayer.
In the late 20th century the Vatican
officially started allowing other
languages to be used in the liturgy.
The relationship between Ancient
Rome and the Vatican is deeper
than simply the use of Latin.
The City of Rome, the center of the
world, became the center of
Western Christianity.
The Roman Empire became the Model
for its structure. The Pope, who
resides in Rome, is also called
the Supreme Pontiff
(Pontifex Maximus).
The title: Pontifex Maximus can be
seen on official Vatican Documents
and on Church and Vatican
buildings around Rome
(often shortened to Pont. Max.)
was an official title used by
the head of the college of priests
in Ancient Rome.
Even the famous,
and of course not-Christian,
Julius Caesar held the title of
Pontifex Maximus in Rome.
You can also notice the similarity of
the College of Priests of the Roman
Empire and the Vatican College of
Cardinals who elect the Pope.
The organizational structure of the
Church and it's base in Città del
Vaticano (Vatican City) is also
built upon Ancient Roman models.
In the Roman Catholic tradition,
territorial references are divided
into Parishes, Dioceses, and Provinces.
These divisions and subdivisions of
large areas, districts, and neighborhoods
which are still in use today by the
Church, are territorial references
used in Ancient Rome for
secular purposes.
And as I said, Vatican City is a
non-hereditary, elected monarchy that
is ruled by the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.
Today, a Roman emperor (the Pope)
controls the Christian state,
that's twisted!
And just for the record, that was the
prophecy was given back when the Romans were occupying Jerusalem.
That apocalyptic prognostication refers
to the reemergence or continuous rule
of a Roman/Graeco style system with
modern capabilities described by
John in ways familiar to him.
And in a broader sense, the symbolic
interpretations do not refer to actual
people or events, but is an allegory
of the spiritual path and the ongoing
struggle between good and evil.
To believe or not to believe, that's
always the question. If you don't
believe me, do your research.
The truth will set you free.
Nostradamus featured topics Such as Death and
Last Judgment; Heaven and Hell; the ultimate
destiny of humankind, Armageddon, Apocalypse.
Prophecy from mystic's or prophetic messengers
like Baba Vanga, Edgar Cayce, Ray Kurzweil,
Edward Bellamy, and Nostradamus are still
relevant as they contain precise predictions
for the upcoming news of tomorrow.
The rising truth is that Nostradamus had an
exceptional blessing that allowed him to
make amazing prophecies.
And it's a blessing we all have the
option to take advantage of,
Furthermore, the question becomes,
if his countless predictions were right in
regards to history,
What does that mean about the
prophecy of things to come?
There are plenty of Nostradamus prophecies
and quatrains that allude to life here in
the 21st century.
Nostradam made a prophecy saying that the twenty-first century would be a period of unrest, disasters, tragic events, and change. Was Nostradamus correct?
They were written, in a different
language than that of Jesus,
They were written, in distant lands,
after a substantial gap of time from
the time of Jesus' death,
They were written, by unknown persons,
who compiled, redacted, and invented
various traditions, to provide
a narrative of Christianity's central
figure—Jesus Christ.
To verify the authenticity of any ancient
document scholars review the original
manuscript and the autograph
of the writer.
However, the Gospels do not have the
autograph manuscript (i.e., the first
manuscript written).
Only copies of those written later
which are the very same one in the
dead sea scrolls.
Christian apologists try to claim
that the dead sea scrolls prove the
gospels are bonified. But the dead
sea scrolls are copies of
the gospels that were written
long after the death of Jesus.
Neither the first evangelists nor their
first readers engaged in historical
analysis. Their aim was to create and
confirm the Christian faith and movement.
Here is the truth: Many of the books of
the New Testament were written by
people who withheld their identity,
claiming to be a famous apostle such as
Peter, Paul, or James, yet knowing full
well, they were someone else.
In modern parlance, that is a lie. And
a book that was written by someone who
lies about his identity is a forgery.
Christian scholars, do not want to
denigrate the cherished texts of
Scripture by calling them forgeries
built on lies, so they use a different
term and call such books
Here is the definition of
pseudepigrapha: spurious or
pseudonymous writings, or to put
it plainly writing or written under
a false name, not being what it
purports to be; false or fake.
As said above, the one preaching, the
one you trust to tell you the truth
knows the truth, but never tells you
the truth about the gospels.
why would that be?
At best, The Gospel narrative is a
mutated writing of fictional history.
And It's a narrative that was most
likely not written by anyone Jewish.
Sources have stated that story of Jesus
was crafted by Caesar and the Flavians.
They claim that the Roman imperial
court of Flavian emperors: Vespasian,
Titus and Domitian wrote the
whole Jesus story.
Was Jesus the invention of a Roman
emperor? The author of the ground
breaking book "Caesar’s Messiah"
believes he was.
The book "Caesar’s Messiah" was
written by Joseph Atwill. It reveals
the key to a new and revolutionary
understanding of Christian origins.
The clues leading to its startling
conclusions are found in the writings
of the first-century historian
Flavius Josephus.
In his writings, Flavius Josephus
wrote "Wars of the Jews" and that
is one of the only historical
chronicles of that age.
Atwill, argues that the New Testament
Gospels were written as wartime
propaganda by scholars connected to
the Roman imperial court of the Flavian
emperors: Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian.
Prophecy has played a major role in shaping
our society, especially the Apocalypse Prophecy.
It is another one of those things that can be
seen by all, yet most are blind to it.
I will shine a bright light to help you
see things hidden by the darkness.
Exposing the truth about prophecy will not be an
easy task. Meaning it's a complicated subject
because it has several layers to uncover.
Explaining prophecy has been an age-old challenge
for everyone from the critic and intellectual
to the philosopher and professor.
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